BA_Career Prep (Supreme)

Categories: Self Paced
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About Course


This course is designed to provide the students with essential skills required to begin a career. Skills that will be taught in this course include:

  • Self-analysis of strengths weaknesses, personality, and interest
  • Company research
  • Job search
  • CV writing
  • Interview strategies
  • Follow-up strategies

What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the process of securing a position in a company.
  • Search for career opportunities that match their interests and strength.
  • Write a cover letter.
  • Write a resume.
  • Answer common interview questions.
  • Write a follow-up thank-you letter.

Course Content

Module I

  • 05:31
  • 07:25
  • LO2: Apply the SMART goal-setting framework to establish clear, achievable career objectives
  • LO3: Describe a career roadmap outlining educational and professional development steps
  • LO4: Identify effective online and offline job search resources and strategies
  • LO5: Solve the quiz for Career Planning
  • Case Study: Career Planning
  • 06:04
  • 04:20
  • LO2: List and explain different types of Resumes
  • LO3: Explain how to effectively present your educational background in a Resume
  • LO4: Demonstrate the flow of past work experiences in a clear, concise, and action-oriented manner in a Resume
  • LO5: Identify and list relevant special skills (software proficiency, Public speaking, Time management, and language) in a Resume
  • Solve the quiz for Resume Writing
  • Case Study: Resume Writing
  • 05:50
  • 04:16
  • LO2: Identify the key requirements, responsibilities, and skills mentioned in the job posting
  • LO3: Understand the company’s mission, values, and products/services
  • LO4: Explain how to write the opening statement, body, and concluding paragraph in a Cover Letter
  • Solve the quiz for Cover Letter Writing
  • Case Study: Cover Letter Writing
  • Topic 4: Common Interview Questions
  • LO1: Recall and state the key elements of a professional phone greeting before the interview
  • LO2: Identify key facts about the company, and its competitors through research before the interview
  • LO3: Describe how dress code and user-friendly portfolio impact the interview
  • LO4: Explain how body language impacts during the interview
  • LO5: Identify and understand the core themes and categories of interview questions
  • Solve the quiz for Common Interview Questions
  • Case Study: Common Interview Questions
  • Topic 5: Interview Skills
  • LO1: Recall and explain the key steps for preparing a telephone interview
  • LO2: Comprehend the importance of a resume, cover letter, and portfolio for creating a positive first impression
  • LO3: Recognize the significance of being shortlisted for a second interview and the potential reasons behind it
  • LO4: Describe how to craft a professional and timely thank-you letter or email to the interviewer
  • Solve the quiz for Interview Skills
  • Case Study: Interview Skills
  • Assignment
  • Module Based Quiz

Final Exam

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